I Want My Life Back!

I want my life back without illness, fear, and pain.

I want to be able to walk fast, skip, and run.  To be able to walk up the stairs without failing would be grand.  No more bruises, scraped knees or hurt ankles would make me smile again.

Multi-tasking has left my life.  Now I understand that saying “can’t chew gum or walk at the same time”.

Where have my brain cells gone?  They’re sure not up there anymore.   To be able to say words when I’m talking and say them correctly without a slur.

I want my life back to be able to drive and go to places to see the world. Becoming a homebody more and more every day is making me feel like I’m closing out the ones so dear to me.

Cooking used to be so enjoyable now it’s a disaster in reality.  No more 3 course meals for you; only mac and cheese will do.

I love to write, but these fingers now just don’t want to type.  Oh, what to do?  Just take it slow.  You’ll get those words on paper.  It just might take a day or two.


© Written by Mary Killian